Human Brain Analysis.

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Women - Multiple process
Women's brains designed to concentrate multiple task at a time.Women can Watch a TV and Talk over phone and cook the new recipe.

Men - Single Process
Men's brain designed to concentrate only one work at a time. Men can not watch a TV and talking in phone same time. He stops the TV while Talking. He can either watch TV or talk over phone or cook.

Women can easily learn many languages. Her brain set up. But can not find the solutions to problems Men can not easily learn languages; he can easily solve the problems.
3 year old gal has three times higher vocabulary than 3 year old boy.

Men's brain has lot of space for handling the analytical process. So easily he can analyze and find the solution for a process.
He can design (blue print) a map of a building easily.
If a complex map is viewed by women, she can not understand it. She can not understand the details of the map easily.
For her it is dump of lines in a paper.

While driving a car, men's analytical spaces are used in his brain. He can drive a car fastly. If he see an object at long distance, immediately his brain classifies the object (bus or van or car) direction and speed of the object and driving accordingly. Where as women take a long time to recognize the object direction/ speed. His single process mind stops the audio in the car (if any), then concentrating only on the driving.
You can often watch, while men driving the car fastly, the women sit next to him will shout, "GO SLOW" , "CARE FULL", "AAHHH", "OHH GOD.."

Many times, when men lie to women face to face, they got caught easily.
Her super natural brain observes the facial expression 70%, and the body language 20% and the words comes from mouth 10%. So he is easily caught while lying.
Men's brain does not have this.
Women easily lie to men face to face.
So guys, While lying to your girls, use phone, or letter or close all the lights or cover your/her face with blanket.
Don't lie face to face.

End of day, if men have lot of problems, his brain clearly classifies the problems and put into individual rooms of brain, the problems in individual room of brain and finding the solution one by one. You can see many guys looking on the sky's for a long times. If you disturb him, he gets irritated.
End of Day, if women have lot of problems, her brain can not classify the problems. she wants some one to hear that. After telling everything to a person she goes happily to bed. She does not worry abt the problem solved or not.

Men want status, success, solutions, big process... etc Women want relationship, friends, family...etc...

If women unhappy with their relations, she can not concentrate on work.
If men unhappy with their work, he can not concentrate on the relations.

Men can easily locate the place in a complex map. His analytical brain does this. While watching a cricket match in a stadium with full of crowd, men can leave his seat to T shop and keeps everything in his mind and comes back to his seat with out problems. He uses his analytical skills space of brain.
Women can't do this. They often lost their way to their seat.

Life is very easy to Men. One good job, one alcohol bottle is enough for him.
Women want everything in life.

Women use indirect languages in speech.
Geetha asked Vijay, "Vijay do you like to have a cup of coffee?"
This means, Geetha really want a cup of coffee.
In the morning......."Darling, do you think, will it be good to have an Omlette for breakfast"
Men use direct language. "Geetha, I want to have a cup of coffee, Pls stops the car when you see a coffee shop".
In the morning...."Darling, Can you please prepare an omelet for breakfast".

Women talk a lot without thinking, if they are in emotion.
Men act a lot with out thinking. That's why many of prisoners are men all over the world.


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Supermodel Karolina Kurkova tells you how she got her figure back after giving birth six months ago, and a celebrity trainer shares tips on how to get rid of cellulite.
Stay in shape despite your pregnancy

Admittedly, the supermodel's tips - might work better if you have a personal trainer and not much else to do with your time than looking great. But apart from this, making healthier lifestyle during your pregnancy to bounce back into shape much more quickly.

"I think the secret was really staying active throughout my pregnancy," she said. "I did Pilates, a lot of weight training, I walked a lot and I traveled. I was eating really healthy, taking good supplements and vitamins, drinking green juices and just making sure I was putting the best stuff in my body. Obviously you want to try to give it more natural foods, and fruits, good vitamins, fish oils, fiber. Lots of fiber when you're pregnant!"

Top three tips how to deal with orange peel skin:

1. Drink three litres of water a day with lemon juice - this prevents water retention which is the main cause of cellulite.

2. Stay away from processed and fried foods which hinder circulation and cause ripely bumps!

3. An apple a day... keeps the fat away! Snacking on an apple, which contains pectin - detoxifies the body."

Facebook leaks out personal informations

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In the backdrop of a flurry of complaints against Facebook related to its privacy settings, a Harvard Business School professor has claimed the popular social networking site provides users' information, including name and photos, to advertisers.

Benjamin Edelman, an assistant professor at Harvard Business School, said that Facebook's "explicit promises, in its privacy policy and blog posts, turn out to be untrue.”

"Facebook gives its advertisers more information about users than Facebook claimed and users have no way to opt out of that information sharing (short of ceasing to use Facebook or ceasing to click ads)," Edelman said.

According to his findings, clicking on an advertisers' advertisement reveals the Facebook user's name or user ID to the advertiser.

“With default privacy settings, the advertiser can then see almost all of a user's activity on Facebook, including name, photos, friends, and more," he said.

Queries sent to Facebook remained unanswered.

A professor at the school's negotiation, organisations and markets unit Edelman's research focuses on advertising activities on Internet and spyware, among others.

"My main concern about Facebook is that it shares data in ways users don't reasonably expect. Most of that concern results from confusing settings and frequently-changing defaults," Edelman pointed out.

Edelman said that he sent his findings about Facebook to the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on May 20. FTC primarily looks into anti-competitive business practices and also promotes consumer protection activities.

Going by media reports, Facebook is all set to introduce changes to its existing privacy settings in the coming days.

Earlier this month, groups from the US and Europe had complained about Facebook's changes to privacy settings, whereby the profile of users were made accessible to third-parties by default.

An European data protection group had said that changes made by Facebook to the privacy settings were unacceptable.

"... It is unacceptable that the company fundamentally changed the default settings on its social-networking platform to the detriment of a user," the group of officials advising the European Commission had said in a letter to Facebook.

In the US, Electronic Private Research Centre (EPIC) and 14 other privacy and consumer protection agencies had lodged a complaint with the FTC against Facebook's privacy settings.

EPIC is a Washington-based public interest research centre.